View Rare Jack Pine barrens protected in the Purcells Cove backlands
Posted on on 16 Mar, 2022. From the post:
We’re pleased to announce a new protected property in the Purcells Cove backlands area, sitting on 27 acres of upland forests, forested swamp and open woodlands and peatlands.
Thanks to the generosity of siblings David and Donald Longard and Shirley Zwicker, this land will be protected, forever. After learning that the area where their grandfather’s camp was once located is part of a special Jack Pine forest system, the siblings were pleased to donate their property to the Nature Trust for future generations to enjoy
…An urban wildland within the Halifax Regional Municipality, the property builds onto the Nature Trust’s already protected lands in the backlands area. The backlands not only offer protection to sensitive ecosystems in the area, but also opportunities for access and recreational activities by nearby residents. A network of trails cross the property and McIntosh Run is to the immediate west, a popular area for hiking and other recreation.
Thx David and Donald Longard and Shirley Zwicker, Thx. NS Nature Trust!