Category Archives: Lakes

Update on Birds in the Backlands – JBD Jun 24, 2024

On Hairy Woodpecker & Flicker nests, Hermit Thrush and Barred Owl behaviour, Osprey fishing, Eastern Wood Peewee sighting, Common Nighthawk activity, a bird survey and sounds of toads and beavers in the night,  late spring into early  summer of 2024 … Continue reading

Posted in Birds, Community, Crown lands, Lakes, Shaw Wilderness Park | Comments Off on Update on Birds in the Backlands – JBD Jun 24, 2024

Be on the lookout for invasive crayfish in Halifax Area lakes 20Oct2023

This new invasive species is featured in an item in today’s Halifax Examiner’s Morning File and in an associated article by Yvette Entrmonet DFO: Red swamp crayfish trapped in Halifax area lake could have ‘severe’ impact on ecosystems. From Morning … Continue reading

Posted in Community, Invasive species, Lakes | Comments Off on Be on the lookout for invasive crayfish in Halifax Area lakes 20Oct2023

Full year of citizen science water quality monitoring reveals episodic salt events in Governors Brook (Halifax, NS) 29May2023

Governors Brook, originating near Herring Cove Road, feeds into Colpitt Lake (unsettled), which in turn drains into the partially settled Williams Lake.* A study conducted in December of 2015 suggested that Governors Brook/Colpitt Lake is the major source of salt … Continue reading

Posted in Lakes, Water Quality, Watershed | Comments Off on Full year of citizen science water quality monitoring reveals episodic salt events in Governors Brook (Halifax, NS) 29May2023

Province has set aside funds for Williams Lake Dam 1Apr2023

Posted on FB page for MLA Brendan Maguire: Great news for Williams Lake Today I asked the Minister of Transportation for an update on the dam. The money has been secured and set aside to replace the dam! The province … Continue reading

Posted in Community, Conservation, Lakes | Comments Off on Province has set aside funds for Williams Lake Dam 1Apr2023