Category Archives: Birds

News from the Backlands Coalition July 2024

By Martha Leary for the Backlands Coalition July 14, 2024 With leadership from the Williams Lake Conservation Company (WLCC) the Backlands Coalition (BC) has assembled the “Bird Team”. In addition to our annual surveys of all birds in the Backlands, … Continue reading

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Nighthawks have returned to the Backlands! 5Jul2024

By The Bird Team: Joshua Barss Donham, Fulton Lavender, Cathy Smalley, Katie Studholme. Video by Joshua Barss Donham Joshua heard the Nighthawk for the first time this year at Osprey Ridge/Alabaster Way Trailhead on May 23; there have been many … Continue reading

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Update on Birds in the Backlands – JBD Jun 24, 2024

On Hairy Woodpecker & Flicker nests, Hermit Thrush and Barred Owl behaviour, Osprey fishing, Eastern Wood Peewee sighting, Common Nighthawk activity, a bird survey and sounds of toads and beavers in the night,  late spring into early  summer of 2024 … Continue reading

Posted in Birds, Community, Crown lands, Lakes, Shaw Wilderness Park | Comments Off on Update on Birds in the Backlands – JBD Jun 24, 2024

Common Nighthawk is HRM 2024 Bird of the Year 29Jun2024

It’s not common, it’s not a hawk, and it doesn’t hunt at night, but the Common Nighthawk IS “HRM 2024 Bird of the Year”! The announcement was made by Jess Lewis on Mainstreet NS in conversation with host Jeff Douglas … Continue reading

Posted in Birds, Conservation, Fire Ecology | Comments Off on Common Nighthawk is HRM 2024 Bird of the Year 29Jun2024

Ground-nesting birds – let’s talk habitat 9Jun2024

By The Bird Team: Joshua Barss Donham, Fulton Lavender, Cathy Smalley, Katie Studholme. Photos by Joshua Barss Donham June 9, 2024 Over the past few months, we’ve been sharing about ground nesting birds that call the Backlands home. So far … Continue reading

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“Song bird season has truly begun” JBD 27May2024

Wrote JBD recently (May 27), with photos and videos attached… Click on images for larger versions “It has been such a pleasure to watch the return of warblers to the Backlands! The first warbler I crossed paths with in the … Continue reading

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Have you heard a thin, high-pitched rocking sound like a squeaky wheel in the woods lately? 17May2024

By The Bird Team: Joshua Barss Donham. Fulton Lavender, Cathy Smalley, Katie Studholme Have you heard a thin, high-pitched rocking sound like a squeaky wheel in the woods lately? The Black-and-white Warblers are back in town! Another ground nesting bird … Continue reading

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Spring in the Backlands 24Apr2024

By Joshua Barss Donham, Apr 21, 2024. April is such a wonderful time of year with the broom crowberry and Mayflowers in bloom, the spring peepers calling, and migrant birds returning from the south (should see Yellow-rumped Warblers, Palm warblers, … Continue reading

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Staying on the trail protects ground-nesting Dark-eyed Junco 18Apr2024

This cutie is a juvenile Dark-eyed Junco – you can help ensure they grow into an adult by staying on trails when you’re hiking in the Backlands & other wilderness areas. How does keeping your feet (& your pet’s feet) … Continue reading

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Ground-Nesting Birds 2024: American Woodcock 1Apr2024

This funny little feathered friend would like to thank you for sticking to the trails while they’re nesting – contrary to what we often think about birds, the American Woodcock makes its nests right on the ground. Woodcocks are secretive … Continue reading

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