Projects on iNaturalist

iNaturalist Project: HalifaxNS Backlands
“The “Backlands” of Halifax are an area of wilderness with no roads encompassing approx. 1350 hectares. They lie between two major roads, Purcell’s Cove Rd and Herring Cove Rd. They include globally rare and nationally (Canada) unique Jack Pine-Broom Crowberry Barrens. More about them in Fire Conference Paper . Also view more general info on the area at”.

Created by:jackpine22 – April 21, 2020.

Currently (Oct 11, 2022): 666 species listed, by 244 observers

McIntosh Run Biodiversity Project
“The McIntosh Run Watershed Biodiversity Project is to engage the public to create a record of the species living within the watershed. The McIntosh Run Watershed Association (MRWA) is seeking to document the biodiversity within the watershed through citizen science. The project aims to engage MRWA members, partners, and the general public to create a record of plants, animals, birds, reptiles, bugs, moss, fungus, and lichen living within the watershed. MRWA will use this record in our work promoting the stewardship and conservation of the McIntosh Run Watershed.”

Created by:aamorgan – May 7, 2018.

Currently (Oct 11, 2022) 1047 species, by 417 observers. View MWRA: The Watershed for a map of the watershed and info on settlement etc. About 2/3rd of the McIntosh Run Watershed lies outside of the Backlands proper.

Introduced vascular plants in the Halifax Backlands

“This project shows observation of plant species which have been marked as introduced to the Halifax Backlands and a fringe around the Backlands, ie.e. non native, alien, exotic.”

Created by:jackpine22 – June 7, 2021

The area of the map extends slightly outside of the Backlands proper in order to record introduced species nearby.

Multiflora Rose in Halifax Backlands

“To track records of invasive multiflora rose (Rosa multiflora) in the Halifax Backlands and the immediately adjacent lands”

Created by:jackpine22 – May 15, 2021 Currently (Oct 11, 2022): 36 observations by 22 observers

Aquatic Flora & Fauna of Colpitt & Williams Lakes Halifax
“To document aquatic flora and fauna of these two quasi-urban area lakes. The geographic delineation includes some shoreline above the high water mark and islands, so some non-aquatic organisms will also be recorded.”

Created by:jackpine22 – May 22, 2024

Currently (May 22, 2024). 294 Observations, 156 Species, 73 Observers.