


McIntosh Run Watershed (more)
Fire Ecology

Backlands Wilderness Balance Sheet (PDF, 6 MB)
Prepared by The Backlands Coalition, January 23, 2023, 39 pages “This report was prepared by the Backlands Coalition for the team of planners working on the report for the Regional Plan Review, Phase 4 – Site Specific Requests. They requested that we compile a report that highlights the special nature of the Backlands and substantiates this claim with references.The title Backlands Wilderness Balance Sheet refers to our recording of assets of these wild lands and risks or losses should the lands be further disturbed by development.”

Example of Map in Steeghs et al., 1994

The Mclntosh Run: Environmental Resource Analysis for the Wildlands Working Group and the citizens of Mainland South In Halifax County.
Report by Henri Steeghs E.P.1 Studio prfs. John Zuck and Derek Davis N.S.CA.D. Autumn 1994. “E.P 1 Studio prepared a comprehensive environmental resource analysis on the Mcintosh Run drainage system and the nearby coastal zone. This report contains the findings of a physical environmental inventory, as well as recommendations on potential land use.”

The 1994 document remains as the only comprehensive overview of the natural history of the Backlands. Many maps.

AsetJPfallP1090833SMEcological Assessment of the Plant Communities of the Williams Lake Backlands
A Report to The Williams Lake Conservation Company (Feb 13, 2014): The Williams Lake Conservation Company has issued a report which documents the plant communities of the Williams Lake backlands. Prominent amongst them: the rare, Jack Pine/Broom Crowberry barrens. “While the survey focused on these lands, many of the findings apply to the larger Purcell’s Cove Backlands. It is noteworthy that the authors advance some novel perspectives on the ecological values of the area. The issues of fire management and wetland protection require attention and discussion by the larger community” says Kathleen Hall of the WLCC.

A Rare, Fire-Dependent Pine Barrens at the Wildland-Urban
Interface of Halifax, Nova Scotia

Presentation by Nick Hill and David Patriquin to the Wildland Fire Canada 2014 Conference. Also view: Regeneration of Forest and Barrens after the Spryfield Fire of April 30, 2009
Photo-essay by Richard Beazley and David Patriquin.  On April 30/May 1, 2009, an intense forest fire “cut a swath though Spryfield, Purcell’s Cove and Ferguson’s Cove.” (Chronicle Herald May 2, 2009). This set of photos  illustrates the regeneration of vegetation over the ensuing 16 months.

Watersheds, Watercourses and Wetlands of the Halifax Backlands
Webinar presentation by David Patriquin, Aug 15, 2023. Sources and Resources for the webinar are listed.

A Biophysical Survey of the Williams Lake-Purcell’s Cove Backlands, Halifax County, Nova Scotia.
Report by Patricia Manuel and Martin Willison, Sept 1992. “This study was undertaken to provide baseline data on the biophysical characteristics of that parcel of terrain located between Williams Lake to the north, Halifax City Limits (to the south of Flat Lake) to the south, McIntosh Run to the west, and Purcell’s Cove Road to the east. Specifically, geologic structures, surficial materi als, a n d vegetation were documented and analyzed with respect to their ecological attributes and functional relationships. Outstanding, representative, and unusual or rare structures, ecosystems, or species, if present, were evaluated for their significance.”

Bobcat sighted in Purcell’s Cove area Oct, 2019

Summary of Findings and Recommendations following from Studies of the Biophysical Character, Cultural Significance and Recreational Use of the Purcell’s Cove Backlands.
Prepared for the Williams Lake Conservation Company by Patricia Manuel and Martin Willison. 1993.