Monthly Archives: April 2024

Prime fire season for the Backlands coming up 30Apr2024

The Spryfield Fire of 2009, which burned about 2/3 of the Backlands, destroyed 8 homes and damaged 10 others, occurred April 29-May 1, 2009. Fire Season in NS: April to October Fire season in Nova Scotia is considered to be … Continue reading

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City Nature Challenge begins Apr 26 (today) & runs to Mon Apr 29, 2024

Halifax is participating in the iNaturalist-based City Nature Challenge again, this year over the days Friday Apr 26 to Monday Apr 29 It’s pretty simple to contribute to Halifax’s effort to document our natural world and illustrate citizen’s love of … Continue reading

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Spring in the Backlands 24Apr2024

By Joshua Barss Donham, Apr 21, 2024. April is such a wonderful time of year with the broom crowberry and Mayflowers in bloom, the spring peepers calling, and migrant birds returning from the south (should see Yellow-rumped Warblers, Palm warblers, … Continue reading

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Staying on the trail protects ground-nesting Dark-eyed Junco 18Apr2024

This cutie is a juvenile Dark-eyed Junco – you can help ensure they grow into an adult by staying on trails when you’re hiking in the Backlands & other wilderness areas. How does keeping your feet (& your pet’s feet) … Continue reading

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A “missing link” in the Purcells Cove Backlands is protected – NS Nature Trust 2Apr2023

From Nature Trust’s Landlines for Apr 2, 2024 “…The second property lies within the Purcells Cove Backlands, a unique urban wildland in the heart of Halifax. Popular for hiking and picnicking, swimming and skating, birding and botanizing, the Backlands are … Continue reading

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Ground-Nesting Birds 2024: American Woodcock 1Apr2024

This funny little feathered friend would like to thank you for sticking to the trails while they’re nesting – contrary to what we often think about birds, the American Woodcock makes its nests right on the ground. Woodcocks are secretive … Continue reading

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Ground-Nesting Birds 2024: Dark Eyed Junco 1Apr 2024

Its nesting season for the Dark-eyed Junco & you can help… With nests at ground level rather than in trees, Dark-eyed Juncos could really use a bit of cooperation from us 2-legged visitors to the wilderness – from March 20th … Continue reading

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Ground-Nesting Birds 2024: Intro 1Apr2024

INTRO (Apr 1, 2024) Spring is in the air… and underfoot That’s right, we said “underfoot” and we’re not talking about a budding crocus… Over the next few months, we will be sharing profiles of four ground-nesting bird species found … Continue reading

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