From Nature Trust’s Landlines for Apr 2, 2024
“…The second property lies within the Purcells Cove Backlands, a unique urban wildland in the heart of Halifax. Popular for hiking and picnicking, swimming and skating, birding and botanizing, the Backlands are also ecologically valuable, hosting unique ecosystems and habitat for many sensitive species.
“With the successful protection of this latest 17 acre property, the Nature Trust now fully protects the perimeter of Purcells Pond, ensuring that this well-used lake will always remain available for swimming, skating, and enjoying the beauty of nature. The new property links together the Nature Trust’s other four protected lands here, and we will now be able to link together trails (including the trail to Purcells Pond), fulfilling a longtime wish for easier public access to our conservation lands.
“This new property harbours globally rare Jack Pine/Broom Crowberry Barrens, as well as open woodlands, upland forests, forested wetlands, and open peatlands. The open barren and fire-disturbed habitats provide nesting opportunities for Common Nighthawk, which is known to breed in the area, and which is designated as a species of Special Concern under the federal Species at Risk Act and as Threatened under the Nova Scotia Endangered Species Act.”
Read more on Landlines