Ground-Nesting Birds 2024: Intro 1Apr2024

Dark-eyed Junco

INTRO (Apr 1, 2024)

Spring is in the air… and underfoot

That’s right, we said “underfoot” and we’re not talking about a budding crocus…

Over the next few months, we will be sharing profiles of four ground-nesting bird species found in the Backlands. Wondering what a ground nest looks like? When you might spot a nestling? What they eat? Where they will go in the winter?

Have you noticed the birds have started to sing? These ‘early birds’ are staking out their territories and hoping to attract a mate. Soon, eggs will be laid in carefully hidden nests all over the Backlands, but not all these nests are in trees.

Several of our most familiar (and threatened!) birds nest right on the ground where eggs and young are very vulnerable to being eaten or trampled….

Over the next few months, we will be sharing profiles of four ground-nesting bird species found in the Backlands.   Read More

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