The CH article (subscription required)
Screen capture of the top of the CH article (before stuff blocked the view):
The CH article (subscription required)
Screen capture of the top of the CH article (before stuff blocked the view):
This week, regional council voted in favour of implementing routing and peak perod service for Route 415 in the Purcells Cove area, sporadically replacing the Route 15 service in accordance with the Moving Forward recommendations. The 415 would run the extent of the existing route, both ways from Bayers Road to York Redoubt, but only during peak hours from 6 a.m. until 9 a.m. and from 3 p.m until 6 p.m. Bus 15 currently runs from 6 a.m., to 8 p.m.
“It’s a normal-sized bus that is totally underutilized at that time of the day,” he [Wells] said. “To be fair, there are two sides to every story. Really, what we need to do in this part of Halifax is to have better service and get people out of their darn cars. When I stand waiting for the bus and when I am walking home, virtually every car that passes me in either direction is a driver-only car Coun. Steve Adams (Spryfield-Sambro Loop-Prospect Road) tried to head off the bus-altering motion at Tuesday’s meeting, asking his colleagues to defer the discussion and vote until a later date. The vote on Adams’ motion did not pass, even though it achieved an 8-8 vote. Councillors then voted 9-7 for the motion to have the 415 routed for peak-hour service as an alternative to Route 15.
It has not been specified when the route changes will occur.
Council Meeting Announcement
Regional Council will consider the motion to cut service to the Cove area to rush hour only (weekdays only) at the meeting this Tuesday, November 27 which starts at 1:00 p.m. If you can, Please Attend! The public will NOT be able to speak to the motion at this meeting – but having a strong show of support may influence Council!
Please Note: Alternate Location because of construction (see below). The motion is 14th on the agenda, but it is impossible to predict exactly when it will come up, since Council sometimes amends the agenda. So please be there around 1:00 p.m.
From the Agenda:
Halifax Regional Council
Date: November 27, 2018
Time: 1:00 p.m., Reconvene 6:00 p.m.
Location: Halifax Marriott Harbourfront Hotel, Acadia Ballroom – 1919 Upper Water Street, Halifax
14.2.1 Alternative Options – Route 15 Purcells Cove [PDF – 13 Mb]
(click on this link to get a copy of the report)
That Halifax Regional Council direct staff to implement routing and peak period service for the Route 415 as described in the approved Moving Forward Together Plan.
[#415 is the new number for the cut version of the #15]
This is it … the last week of the campaign to save the #15 bus from further cuts. Just a friendly reminder to get your letters about the #15 bus into (with instructions: “Please circulate to members of Council, the Mayor and Transit staff”) as soon as possible (they are due Friday (Nov 23) morning but please get them in sooner if you can)! Your support and letters can make a difference. Please remember to cc the letters to Councillor and to
Nathan Brett wrote this letter on behalf of the #15 Bus Action Committee; it incorporates perspectives expressed by six users of the #15:
“I am writing to protest the cutting back of the services of Bus 15 that serves the Purcell’s Cove community. A year ago I faced a major health crisis with a stroke. I used public transit for six months until I recovered sufficiently to get my car license reinstated. There is an elderly gentleman on my street who had to give up his license because of visual issues. We are an ageing population … As a retired physician I know the benefits of keeping the elderly in their own homes as long as they can function safely … Residents will not be reimbursed for their local transit tax while losing 70% of their transit service. This further impacts the elderly who may require the use of taxi services to get groceries. This is a vulnerable population … The proposed Halifax Wilderness Park off the Purcell’s Cove Road is scheduled to open the very month the bus cuts will occur in August 2019. It seems to me that the Purcell’s Cove Bus 15 has been shown to have a statistically higher frequency of usage in the summer months. I propose that, at least, with the opening of the new park, some kind of tally of the bus usage for the month of August and September be conducted before these cuts are made … Without a bus that runs there on the weekends, many people will not have the means to get to the park. As the city centre densifies, this urban wilderness will become our Central Park for all citizens to enjoy – minus public transit! Only car owners will be able to access it on evenings and weekends … Halifax Transit figures show a marked increase in ridership during the summer months, especially at midday. The popularity of York Redoubt, an historic and beautiful national park, is likely the current reason. This service closure will represent lost opportunity for those tourists we so desperately seek to buoy our struggling economy.”
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Dear Residents of Purcell’s Cove and Area
CHANGE OF DATE: The Motion to cut the #15 will now come before Council on November 27th. With Steve Adam’s help we have been given two more weeks to make our case. We need letters, even short ones, that describe the effect of the cuts or you or people you know.
You can call and/or email Councillor Steve Adams. THE MORE MESSAGES THE BETTER. We are depending on him as our elected councillor to put our views forward and suggest further changes to this motion so that we do not lose this service and so that Council is aware of the repercussions of this motion being passed. Please cc emails to Contact information*:
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It’s Harvest time!Oct 26, 2018:
Dear Residents of Purcell’s Cove and surrounding areas
We regret to report that the Transportation Standing Committee voted today FOR the motion to cut back the #15 bus. The matter now goes to Council for a final vote (see below).
The vote today was as follows:
FOR #15 bus cuts:
Councillors Cleary, Nicoll, Outhit, Mason and Smith
AGAINST #15 bus cuts:
Councillor Zurawski
The motion that passed would replace the #15 bus with the #415 bus, which would operate for six runs per day, three in the morning at peak times (i.e. rush hour). There will be NO weekend or holiday service. It is likely that this change will take effect in August 2019 or sooner.
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A public lecture for SCANS (Seniors’ College Association of Nova Scotia) by David Patriquin on The Natural History of the Halifax Backlands
Date and Time: October 22, 2018 – Monday, 1:30 – 3:30 pm
Place: Captain William Spry Community Centre
The “Backlands” is a Thomsonesque wilderness located only a few kilometers from peninsular Halifax. It includes nine lakes, spectacular views and dozens of informal hiking and biking trails. David will take us on a virtual tour through the area, describing what we see, discussing what makes it all work and explaining what is needed to sustain it.
View more details on SCANS website
View/download Poster
View Links (including a PDF of the slide presentation)
This Sunday, the Nature Conservancy of Canada is working with Geoffrey Grantham, a local impressionist artist who has long been painting the future Halifax Wilderness Park, to host an art-focused hike. We will be walking through the future Halifax Wilderness Park, exploring its vistas and uncommon landscape through art. Participants will have a chance to explore the surroundings through their own art – painting, sketching, or photography.
Additional information is found here:
To register for the event, follow this link:
Nicole Munro in Chronicle Herald, Sep 20, 2018:
The province is contributing $1 million to a 154-hectare park, just minutes from downtown Halifax, that is planned to open in the fall of 2019.
“Not too long ago, this piece of land was potentially going to be developed,” said MLA Brendan Maguire, who made the announcement on Thursday. “It means a lot to be able to say we did this so the next generations after can experience it.”
NCC – Williams Lake – Media Broll – 1080 from Mike Dembeck on Vimeo.
Thursday, September 20, 2018
Neptune Theatre, 1593 Argyle Street, Halifax
Doors open at 4:00 p.m | Presentation begins at 4:30 p.m.
Light refreshments will be provided and a cash bar is available.
Please join the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) and partners, The Shaw Group, and HRM for the launch of our fundraising campaign for the Halifax Wilderness Park.
The site of the proposed Halifax Wilderness Park is mere minutes from downtown on Purcell’s Cove Road. With lakes for swimming, hiking trails to explore, and stunning panoramic views of the city, the property also contains rare forest and intact wildlife, including more than 40 species of breeding birds.
We’d love to tell you more about this community initative, so please join us at this event to learn more about this proposed wilderness park