In the Chebucto News: Rugged. Rich. Rare. Protect Purcell’s Cove Backlands 2Nov2022

An article by Cathy Vaughn in the latest (November) issue of the Chebucto News makes the case for protection of the Backlands very succinctly.  It begins:

Rugged granite barrens, rich ecosystems, and rare glacially sculpted landscapes are tucked among Spryfield’s historical villages, fishing communities, commercial businesses and the urban crush of scattered housing developments, sprawling subdivisions and impending building projects. Purcell’s Cove Backlands covers 1,350 hectares of lands between Purcell’s Cove Road and Herring Cove Road, and from Power’s Pond in Herring Cove to the shores of Williams Lake. Hiking and biking trails twist and wind through scrub brush, rich woodlands, and rare Jack Pine/ Broom Crowberry on rugged barrens next to vibrant neighbourhoods and busy communities in Spryfield.

The Purcell’s Cove Backlands Coalition wants to protect these rare lands, their important natural services and access to nature.

Read more in the November Chebucto News, pages 6 & 7. Also on those pages and by Cathy Vaughan: Hike Purcell’s Cove Backlands with Ecology Action Centre about the splendours revealed on an EAC-led hike in the Backlands.

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