Category Archives: Uncategorized

Fire hazard in the Backlands is high

It’s not a good idea anytime to have campfires in the Backlands, but especially in early spring before the deciduous trees leaf-out and especially on Jack Pine barrens. (The 2009 fire was on April 30/May 1.) On top of that … Continue reading

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Community input crucial by May 15

This is certainly wonderful news (see preceding post) and we can be cautiously optimistic. However, there is much work to be done – urgently. Council has requested a staff report and a positive recommendation is very important. There are many … Continue reading

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“A diamond at our doorstep”

Hello everyone, Many of you may already be aware that The Shaw Group has teamed up with the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) in relation to a new proposal to protect a significant portion of the Backlands for “Halifax’s finest … Continue reading

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“Purcells Cove Backlands could become a nature conservancy”

It should read “The Williams Lake Backlands, part of the larger Purcells Cove Backlands”..regardless, possibly some good news. The subititle to this CBC news item is “Development company is willing to sell close to 162 hectares of land to the … Continue reading

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Geoffrey Grantham: Jack Pines and Other Encounters

Geoffrey Grantham is exhibiting a new set of paintings featuring the Jack Pines of the Backlands. The paintings will be at the Pavia Gallery, 995 Herring Cove Road, April 21 to June 7, 2016. There is an Opening Reception on … Continue reading

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Greenbelt update coming; last chance for feedback

Hello everyone, It’s time! Time for an update on the city’s plans toward building a greenbelt – a greenbelt that we believe should include the Backlands. The revised Regional government plan, passed in June 2014, contained a provision for the … Continue reading

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25000+ sign on to anti-biomass petition

An Anti-Biomass Petition (“Stop destroying Nova Scotia’s forests for biomass power generation”) has garnered more than 25000 signatures in less than 10 days. Started by a St. Margaret’s Bay resident, it elicited a Bruce McKinnon editorial cartoon in the CH. … Continue reading

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Moose sighting on Williams Lake

On January 22, 2016, a resident observed a moose which came up from the shore of Williams Lake and into the backyard. It was a male with antler stubs. Such sightings are reported every now and then and provide evidence … Continue reading

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Road salts threaten lakes

Even though three-quarters of the watershed is undeveloped, salt inputs from the other 1/4 threaten the health of Colpitt Lake and Williams Lake. View Report View Media Co-op Report & Interview

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The Backlands’ Cultural Landscape

We have added a new section on the website listing documents that describe the cultural landscape of the Backlands, several of them available on this website. View Cultural Landscape.

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