Category Archives: Uncategorized

A View from Piggy Mt

We hope his grandchildren can have the same experience! (March 19th on Piggy Mt.)

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RP+5, OurHRM issues

A copy of David Donnelly’s powerpoint slides from a talk on land protection last Friday is available here. Also, possibly of interest is an article on Sprawl in Halifax in the Smart City Blog.

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What’s happening with Draft 4 of RP+5

From HRM website: “After some discussion on February 25, 2014 Regional Council referred several matters to planning staff. A report back to Council was requested for May 27th. First Reading of the revised Regional Plan could take place after May … Continue reading

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Halifax council defers regional plan review again

Members of the Coalition were well represented in the gallery at Regional Council on Tuesday. The mayor spoke strongly in favour of the Regional Plan and said it was unlikely he would support any amendments… but final decisions were deferred … Continue reading

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Welcome Redoubt Head Homeowners’ Association

The Redoubt Head Homeowners’ Association (RHHA) has joined the Backlands Coalition as out 10th member. Welcome indeed!

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OurHRM Alliance Alarmed

From the Alliance (1/23/2014): Shocking news has arrived that a number of councillors plan to fundamentally undermine the Regional Plan on Tuesday. As you know, Steve Adams plans to move that the Urban Reserve behind Purcell’s Cove be designated Rural … Continue reading

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Official Launch of the Backlands Coalition

The Backlands Coalition, with nine member groups signed up to date, was officially launched on Friday, Feb. 21, 2014. 

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Tuesday Feb 25th: First Reading of Regional Plan

As you may have likely heard (and see posts below), a group of developers is attempting to make last-minute changes to the Regional Plan that would open the land behind Williams Lake to development, a move which would destroy a … Continue reading

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MLA writes Letter of Support

Brendan Maguire, MLA Halifax Atlantic, writes “I believe in responsible development but more importantly, I believe in listening to the people and we the people have spoken loud and clear, we are against the development of our precious Backlands and … Continue reading

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Critique of Proposal to Redesignate Land

Catherine McKinnon of the Purcell’s Cove Area Residents Action Committee has written a letter to the Mayor and Councilors critiquing the letter written by a lawyer on behalf behalf of four developers that own land located in the Purcell’s Cove … Continue reading

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