Prime fire season for the Backlands coming up 30Apr2024

Leading edge of burnt barrens, Lower Mud Pond area on May 4, 2009

The Spryfield Fire of 2009, which burned about 2/3 of the Backlands, destroyed 8 homes and damaged 10 others, occurred April 29-May 1, 2009.

Fire Season in NS: April to October

Fire season in Nova Scotia is considered to be April to October. Generally we expect May to be the busiest fire season.

The frequency of fires changes throughout the fire season (April to October). May is usually the busiest month due to the fact that vegetation hasn’t fully come out of dormancy and begun to grow. The moisture content of these fuels is low, making them are more flammable. This is known as a “before green up” condition  – NRR: Wildfire (accessed 15May 2022)

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City Nature Challenge begins Apr 26 (today) & runs to Mon Apr 29, 2024

Photo from Canadian Wildlife Federation page on the City Nature Challenge

Halifax is participating in the iNaturalist-based City Nature Challenge again, this year over the days Friday Apr 26 to Monday Apr 29

It’s pretty simple to contribute to Halifax’s effort to document our natural world and illustrate citizen’s love of that world.

Participants photograph a nature observation of a “species” (e.g.a robin, or a flower) within the boundaries of HRM within the Apr 28 to May 1 timeframe and upload it to iNaturalist. (HRM refers to Halifax Regional Municipality, now just called Halifax. It encompasses all of Halifax County.) Cape Breton Regional Municipality is the other NS participant. Continue reading

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Spring in the Backlands 24Apr2024

By Joshua Barss Donham, Apr 21, 2024.

Hooded Warbler at Sandy Cove, Apr 21

April is such a wonderful time of year with the broom crowberry and Mayflowers in bloom, the spring peepers calling, and migrant birds returning from the south (should see Yellow-rumped Warblers, Palm warblers, and Hermit Thrush return any day now). Thought I would share a little what I’ve been seeing and hearing, and what Fulton and I have been doing, in the Backlands.

Fulton and I have done several ‘pre-hawk watches’ in preparation for an actual hawk-watch which Fulton is hoping to do soon. A hawk watch involves standing/sitting on the ‘hawk rock’, a long whaleback a few metres south of the cul-de-sac at the end of Alabaster Way, and scanning the horizon for what Fulton calls “little black dots”, raptors passing through the Backlands or those returning to the Backlands from the south. Continue reading

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Staying on the trail protects ground-nesting Dark-eyed Junco 18Apr2024

Fledgling Junco,  east Pine Island Pond area on Aug 13, 2022
Photo by Joshua Barss Donham

This cutie is a juvenile Dark-eyed Junco – you can help ensure they grow into an adult by staying on trails when you’re hiking in the Backlands & other wilderness areas.

How does keeping your feet (& your pet’s feet) on the trail help? Dark-Eyed Juncos nest right on the ground – they make open cup nests of grass and leaves, lined with soft materials like moss. These nests are well hidden underneath foliage or rock, in exposed tree roots, or in small sheltered depressions, making them both difficult to spot & easy to accidentally disturb!

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A “missing link” in the Purcells Cove Backlands is protected – NS Nature Trust 2Apr2023

From Nature Trust’s Landlines for Apr 2, 2024

“…The second property lies within the Purcells Cove Backlands, a unique urban wildland in the heart of Halifax. Popular for hiking and picnicking, swimming and skating, birding and botanizing, the Backlands are also ecologically valuable, hosting unique ecosystems and habitat for many sensitive species. Continue reading

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Ground-Nesting Birds 2024: American Woodcock 1Apr2024

American Woodcock, Dartmouth site on April 8, 2015
Photos by Joshua Barss Donham

This funny little feathered friend would like to thank you for sticking to the trails while they’re nesting – contrary to what we often think about birds, the American Woodcock makes its nests right on the ground.

Woodcocks are secretive and solitary. Their mottled reddish brown, gray, and black feathers make them almost invisible on the forest floor. They are so well hidden that they are often observed when startled – exploding from their hiding place with the air twittering through their wingtips!

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Ground-Nesting Birds 2024: Dark Eyed Junco 1Apr 2024

Dark Eyed Junco
Photos by Joshua Barss Donham

Its nesting season for the Dark-eyed Junco & you can help…

With nests at ground level rather than in trees, Dark-eyed Juncos could really use a bit of cooperation from us 2-legged visitors to the wilderness – from March 20th to September 23rd, please keep yourself & your pets on the trails to allow these feathered friends to nest & raise their young safely.

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Ground-Nesting Birds 2024: Intro 1Apr2024

Dark-eyed Junco

INTRO (Apr 1, 2024)

Spring is in the air… and underfoot

That’s right, we said “underfoot” and we’re not talking about a budding crocus…

Over the next few months, we will be sharing profiles of four ground-nesting bird species found in the Backlands. Wondering what a ground nest looks like? When you might spot a nestling? What they eat? Where they will go in the winter?

Have you noticed the birds have started to sing? These ‘early birds’ are staking out their territories and hoping to attract a mate. Soon, eggs will be laid in carefully hidden nests all over the Backlands, but not all these nests are in trees.

Several of our most familiar (and threatened!) birds nest right on the ground where eggs and young are very vulnerable to being eaten or trampled….

Over the next few months, we will be sharing profiles of four ground-nesting bird species found in the Backlands.   Read More

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Nova Scotia Nature Trust ‘Marching in’ to save more Backlands 6Mar2024

Dear Friends of the Backlands,
This is such good news for our mission to protect the Backlands. As you will read below, the Nova Scotia Nature Trust has a campaign to protect 17 acres of treasured land near Purcells Pond. The Pond is a special place for quiet reflection, swimming and watching wildlife.

In order for this dream to become reality, we need to ask our supporters to generously donate now to the Nova Scotia Nature Trust and specify the Purcells Cove Backlands Campaign. Here is the link to the page for donation . Please ask your friends and family to go to this webpage, scroll down and click the button that says HELP SAVE PURCELLS COVE WITH A GIFT TO TWICE THE WILD . Any size donation is welcome. Continue reading

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Backlands Coalition Response to the Housing Accelerator Fund Proposed Amendments 16Feb2024

Backlands Coalition Response to the Housing Accelerator Fund proposed amendments Regarding the Suburban Development Requests:

Our position reflects our values

Watersheds identified in Steeghs et al., 1994
Click on image for larger version

The mission of the Backlands Coalition: to ensure no loss of wildlife habitat in the Backlands and to preserve them for natural, historical, cultural, conservation, educational, recreational and common use. There are two major watersheds that are present in the Backlands, the Williams Lake Watershed and the McIntosh Run Watershed. We have an interest and a stewardship responsibility in maintaining the integrity of these two watersheds.

An unprecedented degree of development and growth is slated for Spryfield. We are very aware that growth is necessary in our area. We believe that growth should enhance the community, enrich its character and promote sustainability. In addition to the Suburban Development Requests there are other site-specific requests and developments already approved for the Spryfield area. Each new request needs to be considered within the context of the whole Spryfield community and the capacity of the current infrastructure to support this growth. Continue reading

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