Category Archives: Uncategorized

Bird’s-eye view of the Backlands

A resident of Ferguson’s Cove forwarded this 2006 Bird’s eye view of the Backlands with this message” “I’ve recently received this 2006 bird’s eye view of the ‘big picture’ that includes the Backlands. A picture is worth a thousand words. … Continue reading

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Hobblebush in bloom

    Spring has sprung, finally!

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Cliff Hanger at Regional Council over the Backlands

From Metro News: “Tie vote ends development debate on contentious Purcell’s Cove backlands issue…City staff will lead a process examining the possibility of bringing the Purcell’s Cove backlands into public ownership after a vote defeated the prospect of opening the … Continue reading

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Metro News on the RP+5 decisions

An article in the Metro new today (May 19th) cites the Backlands as a key issue in the upcoming decisions related to RP+5. Read article

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Community overwhelmingly rallies behind preserving an important Urban Reserve Designation

Halifax Councillors are expected to vote tomorrow on a controversial request by four developers to change the current Urban Reserve designation for a significant portion of the Purcell’s Cove/Williams Lake Backlands. The issue is on the agenda for the Committee … Continue reading

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More on RP+5 from OurHRM Alliance

The Staff Report was released yesterday. Here are some comments from OurHRM Alliance: Dear Alliance, Our HRM Alliance fully endorses the staff report on the proposed amendments to the Regional Plan. It uses strong language to reject nearly all amendments. … Continue reading

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Tuesday May 20: RP+5 at Regional Council

Whether we keep a strong regional plan could be decided in the coming days. Today, Staff releases their report on the last-minute proposed amendments to the regional plan. On Tuesday May 20: Committee of the Whole meets to discuss the … Continue reading

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Wed. May 14, 2014: Flora study of Williams Lake Backlands featured at WLCC AGM

The Annual General Meeting of the Williams Lake Conservation Company will be held at 7:00 on Wednesday, May 14th at the Captain Spry Centre, 10 Kidston Rd, Spryfield. Dr David Patriquin will present highlights of the Ecological Assessment of the … Continue reading

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Council to Address Amendments to Regional Plan May 20

HRM regional Council will (tentatively) discuss amendments to the Regional Plan that would greatly reduce controls on development and our eventual greenbelt on Tuesday May 20th. OurHRM Alliance opposes these amendments because they were made last-minute, at the first reading … Continue reading

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Backlands 360 walks well attended

Over 100 people participated in the Backlands 360 walks on Saturday, welcomed by the sun itself! There were three walks (Piggy Mt, Williams Lake, McIntosh Run/Colpitt Lake), followed by a social and the Purcell’s Cove Social Club. For most of … Continue reading

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