” Large Increase in Fine for Illegal Burning During Wildfire Season” – NS Gov. 16May2024

Burning restrictions today May 16, 2024 from www. novascotia.ca/burnsafe/

” The Province has increased the fine for violating the daily burn restrictions to $25,000, effective today, May 16.

“Almost all wildfires in Nova Scotia are human caused. With the weather starting to get warmer and dryer, I cannot stress enough the importance of prevention,” said Premier Tim Houston. “That’s why we are doubling down on the fine for people who violate the daily burn restrictions. Increasing it to $25,000 for the entire wildfire season should make people pause, and check and follow the BurnSafe map. Let’s not have another season like last year’s.”

Read more on NS Gov News Release

Tip of the Hat to Hfx Examiner/Mornng File for highlighting this item.


Prime fire season for the Backlands coming up
Post on backlandscoalition.ca on Apr 30, 2024
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– Fire-scarred white pines are a reminder that it’s Fire Season – especially in the Backlands 19May2023

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