ECOLOGY WORKSHOP PAGES![]() Whats there? —-> 2. Homework (This Page) (DP) – 3. Overview of Environmental Factors (DP) – 4. JP-Crowberry Barrens & Fire Mgmt (DP) – 5. Forest Birds (JBD) – 6. Specialist Birds (FL) – 7. Some Conservation Perspectives (KM) – 8. Discussion Synthesis – 9. Highlights – 10. Threats & Challenges |
—>How do we describes the Backlands? There is a lot of existing information. To get a sense of it and some idea of where to look when you want more details, scan these pages or documents.
1. Have a look at what’s on this website:
– Scan the Natural History Page on this website; note the subpages as listed at the top on that page.
– Scan the Map Pages:
– Steeghs MAPS
– Watersheds
2. The Backlands lie within NS Ecodistrict 780 St. Margarets Bay – see the document provided by this link to get a sense of the shared landscape attributes of this Ecodistrict.

From the Ecological Land Classification for Nova Scotia (Neily et al., 2010). View extracted pages for Ecostrict 780
3. As an overview of ‘the ecology of the Backlands, I recommend viewing: The Mclntosh Run: Environmental Resource Analysis for the Wildlands Working Group and the citizens of Mainland South In Halifax County.(44 page) Report by Henri Steeghs E.P.1 Studio prfs. John Zuck and Derek Davis N.S.CA.D. Autumn 1994. This 1994 document remains as the only comprehensive overview of the natural history of the Backlands. Many maps; view screen captures of those maps on this website under Steeghs MAPS.
4. For a more detailed overview of the geology of the Backlands, I recommend
Rachael Groat, 2016. Interpretation Planning for Purcell’s Cove Quarries Bachelor of Community Design Honours Thesis (Dalhousie University, pages 17-20; and pages 43 (Appendix A:Geologic History Timeline)
5. For a more detailed descriptive study of a “piece of the Backlands“, see Ecological Assessment of the Plant Communities of the Williams Lake Backlands
A Report to The Williams Lake Conservation Company (Feb 13, 2014) by Nick Hill and David Patriquin: “The Williams Lake Conservation Company has issued a report which documents the plant communities of the Williams Lake backlands. Prominent amongst them: the rare, Jack Pine/Broom Crowberry barrens. “While the survey focused on these lands, many of the findings apply to the larger Purcell’s Cove Backlands. It is noteworthy that the authors advance some novel perspectives on the ecological values of the area. The issues of fire management and wetland protection require attention and discussion by the larger community” says Kathleen Hall of the WLCC.