Joshua Barss Donham produced a 9 minute YouTube video highlighting some of his winter birding sights in the Backlands over the winter of 2022/2023. It features some really beautiful Backlands scenery, in the air, on trees, on the water and ice.
Thx so much JBD!
Below is a list of species shown in the video
Time Birds
00:18 Opening scene of sunrise (pair of American Crows)
00:35 Dark-eyed Junco
00:56 Golden-crowned Kinglet
1:27 Bald Eagle (Immature)
1:49 Bald Eagle (Adult)
2:12 Brown Creeper
2:43 Red-breasted Nuthatch
3:05 Downy Woodpecker
3:32 Black-capped Chickadee
3:57 American Goldfinch
4:17 Mourning Dove
4:29 Pileated Woodpecker
4:49 Rock Dove (Domestic Pigeon)
4:54 White-breasted Nuthatch
5:20 Bluejay
5:35 American Crow
5:52 Herring Gull(s)
6:07 Common Goldeneye Duck with Herring Gull
6:19 Bufflehead with Black Duck
6:27 Black Duck(s)
6:53 Mallard
7:04 Mallard joined by Black Ducks
7:12 Raven
7:53 Northern Cardinal
8:06 Song Sparrow
Page Posted Apr 1, 2023.