Questions to Ask Candidates in the upcoming (Oct 19) Municipal Elections, Re: the Backlands

Elections are coming up fast in Halifax Regional Municipality (HRM) – are you ready?

At the Backlands Coalition, we believe it’s imperative that the next Council recognize and permanently preserve the Halifax Backlands as a Wilderness Area. But no wilderness area survives as an island…

On October 19, 2024 as citizens of HRM we will hold the power to decide how our municipality moves forward over the next 4 years. HRM is growing faster than ever, resulting in more pressure on our housing, transportation, social/health services, and our wilderness areas. Pressures that are often pitched as battling against each other. So we’re here to pitch for a path that moves us forward together – it’s not “park *or* housing”… “wildlife corridor *or* highway”…“wilderness area *or* social services” – It’s “*AND*”, especially when our urban wilderness areas offer so many benefits to the citizens of our whole municipality and province.

No matter what District you vote in, we’ve put together a few questions that might help you determine your candidate’s position regarding the Halifax Backlands, and policies that affect all HRM wilderness areas.

View Questions To Ask Candidates, re: The Backlands (PDF)

Download 2024 Municipal Elections_Printable Poster


EAC toolkit for HRM

Results of EAC Candidate Survey

HRM general Elections Info

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