Shaw Wilderness Park – Camp Fire Sighted! 31July2023

Signage at entrance to Shaw Wilderness Park

A camp fire was sighted in the Shaw Wilderness Park by residents of Williams Lake the evening of July 31.

Fire Fighters could not reach the camp site and could not verify if the fire had been extinguished properly.

Residents shouted across the still lake to the campers to put out the Fire.

The fire eventually burned out during the night and the campers’ green canoe was gone from the camp site area in the morning.

Protect fire-prone forests, natural wild lands’ habitats, unique Backlands, our homes, properties and lives. Respect the “No Fires” Bylaw for all parks.

Map shows the location of the camp fire. Click on image for larger version.


UPDATE Aug 9, 2023: Photo of fire pit site. (Aug 7, 2023)

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