Making the case for the Backlands 12Apr2023

Slide from the presentation

On April 6, 2023, Boris Worm and Mather Carscallen made a presentation to the HRM Environment and Sustainability Standing Committee on why we want to ‘Keep the Backlands Wild’.
View the presentation on this YouTube Video, starting around minute 4:41.

Here is some context provided by Martha Leary

There are two Standing Committees of the HRM Council that are of particular interest to the Backlands Coalition (BC) and each of our member organizations; the Environment and Sustainability Standing Committee and the Community Planning and Economic Development Standing Committee. BC was fortunate to have our proposals for presenting to these committees accepted by each.

The BC was on the agenda of the Environment and Sustainability Committee for their April 6 meeting. Boris Worm and Mather Carscallen were our presenters and about six BC members and our Councillor, Patty Cuttell attended to observe the presentation. Boris and Mather put together a slide show packed with photos of the Backlands trees, unusual rocks and vistas. There were shots of groups of people enjoying the trails of MRWA as well as a photo collage of common Backlands scenes centred around a photo of a small child exploring the sights and sounds of the leafy woodland path. Boris and Mather presented clear information about the nature of the land and the challenges to keeping it wild. At the end of the talk, they presented our hopes for future consideration by the Council. Follow the link below and find the BC presentation around minute 4:41. Be sure to watch the discussion with Councillors that follows the slide presentation. The discussion brought up many important points that require follow up.

The next BC presentation is with Community Planning and Economic Development Standing Committee which is currently scheduled for April 20, 2023. If you are interested in attending here are some instructions. The meeting is scheduled for 10 AM to 12 PM in the Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall, 1841 Argyle Street. This meeting will happen in-person and is open to the public. Information about attending in-person meetings can be found here: It is difficult to predict how quickly they will move through the agenda, so you may want to be present at the beginning of the meeting. Please consider attending if you can. Your support is noticed by committee members.

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