

geologyGeological Notes
The Backlands are a glacially sculpted terrain, with features such as erratics, whalebacks and drumlins. Granite and “bluestone” metamorphic rocks were once quarried in Purcell’s Cove, for buildings and fortifications. Geologist Marcos Zentilli prepared these note for a set of Jane’s Walks into the Backlands on May 3, 2014.

Rachael Groat, 2016. Interpretation Planning for Purcell’s Cove Quarries (Rachael Groat). Bachelor of Community Design Honours Thesis (Dalhousie University. “This project explores the geologic history of the Purcell’s Cove quarries through the lens of interpretation planning, with the intent of establishing the cultural and heritage significance of the site.”  Nice summary of the geological history of the backlands.
View/Download View/Download Summary
View/Download Thesis

Inventory of Geological Values in the Vicinity of Colbart Lake, Nova Scotia.
Report by Chris Miller, 1997.

Imperial Halifax – A City of Stone: A Brief and Not At All Definitive History
Halifax Public Libraries

Also view on this website:
– documents related to quarries under Cultural Landscape
Contact Zone Williams to Colpitt Lake
Osprey Trail: pine barrens & whalebacks