We encourage supporters of the Backlands to attend and actively participate in the upcoming public engagement process for the “Halifax Green Network” (this is the new name for the Halifax greenbelting plan) at the Captain William Spry Centre. Here are the meeting details:
Saturday, June 13th 12:00 – 3:00 pm
Captain William Spry Community Centre, 16 Sussex St, Halifax .
The full list of public engagement opportunities is available at the following link: http://www.halifax.ca/HalifaxGreenNetwork/EngagementEvents.php
It is critical that we advocate for the preservation of the Backlands at the engagement sessions because to quote the City’s website:
“Halifax Regional Council has identified the need for a strategic vision and a planning & implementation framework for protecting and managing open space. The public is being asked to give input into the plan…
The Halifax Green Network Plan will establish what lands are important and why based on ecological science and needs assessment, where the important lands are located within the open space network and how they will be protected through public policy and land management and through land-use planning, community design and development.”
For an excellent synopsis of the Green Network Plan, please go to this link:
7.1.2 Green Network Plan – Fact Sheet
We hope to see you at the Spry Centre and/or alternatively, if you cannot attend, at one of the other public engagement meetings.